Litter of Arctic Soul`s Vytok x  Lure Larka

Born 30/4 08 4 males 4 females
7 weeks Having a lot of fun in the exercising pen and of course it is even more fun outside it since they still get through the fence.
more pics tonight
Blond girl,    dark grey girl     *Tussetassa*    Brown girl       sable boy small       grey boy             fat boy            sable boy  large
6 weeks! Now in the *biting all the time-age*, screaming when they see me, and enjoying the big pen finally. One and one inside
Left pic: all the boys
Lighest girls
5 weeks! Starting to develope personalities. Who gets wich is very hard in this litter it seems like.
From left Silver/ golden girl, smallest silver girl ,3 girls, sable big boy,  two grey boys, smallest grey boy and brownish girl
4 weeks! Activity is rising and teeth are used a lot now:) Personality starts to show and they are quite adorable
3 weeks! Now the fun starts...They have moved out of the barrack and into a doghouse now and have been eating dogfood some days allready. Larka is  a foodhog normally, but now she don`t want any kind of meat, only kibbles. Strange. But she is fat and gets what she wants. The pups are allready quite sosciable for this age and are ready to inspect their surroundings
2 weeks  2 first pics are the boyz next two the girls
New born- 1 week